Saturday, March 3, 2018

Ever Growing, Ever Green

When I was a little girl my family took vacations to pretty much every National and State Park on the West Coast. Those trips were usually over my birthday, usually full of learning, and left an imprint on my soul.

I've always loved trees. The taller the better. The greener the better. Those tall, green, ancient giants felt like old friends. Something about them spoke to me. It wasn't until I was older that I fully understood why.

Trees dig their roots deep into the Earth, yet their roots also rise up vulnerably through the ground. The roots spread and tangle with each other, intertwining and making them stronger. They remain tall and steady through storms. They're sturdy and strong, but not invincible. They stand beautiful, but they're useful. Even when cut down, they produce valuable material. The paper carries stories, decisions, vows, and revolution on it's back. Lumber builds places of protection and safety. Our very breath is dependent on them. And they constantly are growing, til the day they die, they grow. Ever, ever, they are growing.

When someone tells you that they're "pretty green" they mean that they're still new, still learning. When you peel back the bark of a sapling, it's fibers are green. If you cut into an old vine to find green flesh, it's still alive, it's wick. In Western society we're obsessed with becoming pros at things, of mastering skills. And while there isn't anything wrong with that, it often leads to arrogance and egotism. What if we chose to instead be ever green? To refuse to sit comfortably in our arrogance, and to admit that we are all still learning, that we haven't mastered this thing called life, that even when we feel old and neglected, there is a layer of green new life still hanging on?

That's who I want to be. I want to always be growing, and ways be learning. Be be strong and sturdy and vulnerable. To be full of life, and capable of making it through the storms of life.

This is a new space for me to fill with thoughts and prayers as I figure out this life. To share a little bit of life. The things I love, the things I am learning, the ways I am growing. I hope you enjoy the journey.

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